Hillary Wins!

The polls of New Hampshire voters were similar in results across the board, so forget criticism of this scientific instrument so loved by political junkies like me. The tool didn't really fail. What failed was the timing and prediction. Polling of voters effectively ended by Sunday and results announced on Monday, but before the vote on Tuesday, dramatic events occurred that altered the dynamics of the voter psyche. First, Obama and Edwards appeared to rhetorically gang up on Hillary during the debate, even while Richardson came to her rescue by praising the virtue of "experience" as an agent for "change". One debate question asked Hillary why she wasn't "liked" as much as Barack, to which she appropriately responded with a voiced expression of hurt. "You are likeable enough", Barack said under his breath, embarrassed by the question. Then, in a diner, Hillary broke into tears when asked, "How do you do it?". Enough said, women, particularly working class women, came to Hillary's rescue and put her over the top in the primary results. Hillary seems to have reinvented herself, and I can't help but admire and support her for that. Now, I'm as split as the electorate--I like both Hillary and Barack.

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