World's largest national park is no longer endangered

 See this news about Salonga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo!  During our trip into Mai Ndambe Province in 2016 though, we found much to be concerned about still.  Along the Lukenie and Lokoro Rivers we found disturbing dakdaka boats with pitifully looking small primates, alligators, turtles, and other captive wildlife destine toward Kinshasa. The region outside the park seems to be depleted of big animals.  The key to reducing wildlife extinction remains villager opportunity for cash via sustainable forest exports, not wildlife.  The fish and manioc exports from Congo rainforest basin are examples of this, as well as certain fruits.  The cash is needed at fair market return in order to purchase bicycles, solar panels, and other products of industry that they cannot produce themselves. 

National Park Conservation Victory

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